Health Promotion & Disease/Injury Prevention
Care: A Bright Futures Curriculum for Pediatric
Providers This curriculum is designed for health professionals who provide well-child care, and particularly to those served by state MCH programs or by Medicaid's Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) program. The curriculum consists of 10 half-hour modules and can be taken for CME credit, CE credit (coming soon), or for a professional Certificate of Completion. A Well-Child Care Pocket Guide is also available. (Registration and accreditation fees apply). Winner of a 2010 Grand APEX Award for Excellence for the Website and a 2009 Award for the Pocket Guide! |
State Modifications of Well-Child Care. Designed to be easily adaptable, with additional funding, the curriculum can be customized to include state-specific information such as periodicity schedules, referral criteria, and documentation protocols. Contact us for more information. |
Well-Child Care Nevada Well-Child Care Georgia |
Provider Education System The HealthCheck Provider Education System was developed for health professionals in the District of Columbia to serve as a self-directed online learning experience; a review of important HealthCheck and EPSDT requirements and services; and a source for current information and updates. |
Helping Babies, Healing Families: An Online Program Manual & Trainer's Guide for Sudden & Unexpected Infant/Child Death & Pregnancy Loss This online learning tool supports staff in local and State programs in their efforts to provide comprehensive Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Infant Death (SIDS/ID) program services in both risk reduction (so that children have the best chance of surviving the risk period for SIDS/ID) and bereavement support for families in cases where an unexpected infant/child death does occur. Winner of a 2010 APEX Award for Excellence for Training Publication! |
Hot Topics in Infant Safe Sleep: An Interactive Workshop with Rachel Moon, M.D. Dr. Moon, an internationally recognized expert in SIDS/ID research, presents scenarios in (1) reflux and sleep position; (2) breastfeeding; (3) bed-sharing and co-sleeping; (4) swaddling; (5) crib-sharing for multiple children; and (6) soft bedding and bumper pads. The videos include reports from SUID/SIDS caregivers and educators, a review of the research, and recommendations for families. |